Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WWW and 4 Month Photos!

Yes, my babies will be turning five months tomorrow, but we just got our four month photos back so I had to post them today! I'll be doing my five month post tomorrow, so I guess you'll get a nice little comparison :)

As for the Weekly Weigh-In...well, I suck at this.  Honestly, I think it's that I don't want the accountability...which is exactly why I need the accountability.  So no matter how badly I just want to quit the weekly weigh-in so I don't have to think about it (or fess up, mainly), I'm gonna keep on truckin.

Ugh. I had a PHENOMENAL time this week eating my life away and really enjoying some serious vino. It showed up, of course, on the scale...but I gotta say, I'm not all that mad. ;)

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal:

Starting Weight: 205# (since 2-3wks pp, 250# @ 35weeks with Twins,was approximately 200# at time of BFP, before the hyperemesis kicked in, was up to 250# by 35 weeks pregnant)
Last Week's Weight: 204.8# (two weeks ago)
Current Weight: 201.8#
Goal Weight: 180# (normal would be 144-189)

Starting BMI: 27 (I'm 6'1" by the way)
Last Week's BMI: 27.0 (two weeks ago)
Current BMI: 26.6
Goal BMI: 23.7 ("normal" is 18.5-24.9)

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals/progress:

- Drink 16oz of water every time I pump: I haven't been drinking enough water and therefore I'm snacking a whole lot more.  Whenever I think I'm hungry, I'm almost always truly just thirsty...

- Eat some form of protein four times per day, working up to eating protein with every snack and meal: Haha, can you say "dessert"?  I'm REALLY looking forward to eating dairy again when I'm finished weaning off of pumping.  I'm down to three pumps per day most days, so I'm thinking probably another month before I'm down to no more pumps needed! As of late, I've been eating a ton of fruit and not much protein.

- Walk 1 mile 3x per week, working up to jogging 2-3x per week using the Couch-to-5k program: I've cut out exercising for the last week or so because the babies have been up almost every hour at night (one and then the other) so I don't want to push my body to exhaustion when I'm getting hardly any sleep at all. I really don't want to get sick!

- Limit to one "treat" per day!! : For the most part I'm doing this. I have some slip up days though where I stuff my face with chocolate and potato chips...

Activities for this coming week:

-If the babies start sleeping again, finish week 7 of C25k!

-Walk with the babies if not jogging -- I can do this no matter how tired I am, and it's good for the babies. We went out once last week.  I can do more.

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I've tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.

GET OUTSIDE!!! Almost everywhere in the States is seeing pretty good weather right now, so go outside, it will get you some great Vitamin D, but it might also stir up a desire to do a little more activity.

And here are our luckies at 4 months old! (Photos by Babyshots Photography...LOVE!)


  1. They are so adorable! How very lucky you are! :)

  2. lol, awesome pictures!!!!! they are SO different. adorable.

    I hear ya on the WWW. Gotta just keep on trucking, though you're down 3# in 2 weeks WITH a serious amount of vino in your life? I'm jealous!!!
