Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weekly Wednesay Weigh-In (EPIC FAIL)

This is awesome.  I super don't want to write this post today cuz it makes me mad...but honestly, I've got no one to blame but myself.  SO here goes...

I've been holding steady at 205, about 5lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight, since about 2 or 3 weeks post-partum. Then, the first week I do the Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In and put it all out there for the interwebs to see...I go and gain 3 pounds! ha!

This is what happens when you don't actually DO what you say you're gonna do to try and change the lifestyle. :)

So, bag of potato chips, box of chocolate covered almonds, and jug of orange are NOT my friends anymore. You've been there for me, through all of the post-partum blues, all of the sleepless nights, and all of the "holy crap I haven't eaten in 10 hours and I have about 2 minutes before they start screaming" moments.  I appreciate it, I do.  But you've officially stalled my weight loss, and I've go about 25 pounds to go.  So please, no offense, but back the F up. 

Like how I blame shift there?  Yeah.  The almonds did it. Not me.

So let's get serious here.  I don't wanna. I really, really don't wanna.  I want to continue to eat whatever I want, whenever I want.  And I want breastfeeding two children to make it all melt away like magic wizardry.  Why won't that happen? ANSWER ME!

1. Reiterate my goal and where I stand in reference to this goal:

Starting Weight: 205#

Last Week's Weight: 205# (was approximately 200# at time of BFP, before the hyperemesis kicked in, was up to 250# by 35 weeks pregnant)

Current Weight: 208#

Goal Weight: 180# (normal would be 144-189)

Starting BMI: 27 (I'm 6'1" by the way)

Last Week's BMI: 27

Current BMI: 27.4 (curse you .4!!!)

Goal BMI: 23.7 ("normal" is 18.5-24.9)

2. Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals:
I'm sticking with my previous goals, but adding one nutritional goal

- Drink 16oz of water everytime I pump
- Eat some form of protein four times per day, working up to eating protein with every snack and meal
- Walk 1 mile 3x per week, working up to jogging 2-3x per week using the Couch-to-5k program

- Limit to one "treat" per day!!!

Progress on last week's activities/goals:
- Currently I'm drinking a pretty good amount of water most days, but I'm not consistent by any means. I've cut back on the OJ which is good.  I haven't been as good about drinking water this week as past weeks, though.

- My eating habits are horrific. Truly.  I don't want to try and pull a 180 here or anything, cuz that's just gonna backfire.  But I need to get my ass in gear and stop pretending like I'm "weigh-invincible".  So while I'm going to try and get protein at most of my meals and snacks, I'm also going to try and limit to one treat per day rather than the one treat per hour of the past 13 weeks...yikes.
- This week I did a lot better on the running!  I am now up to Week 2 of the C25k program, I did Day 2 today!  I'm hoping that I can be consistent with this because it really makes a big difference in my mood.  On Monday, I got out right after B came home from work so I could leave the babies with him and have a little me time.  Today I went out with the babies right after their 1pm feeding when I knew they'd be sleepy and they passed out.  It was also perfection because they stayed sleepy enough to chill out in the stroller so I could push them into the bathroom and take a shower while keeping an eye on them! I'm hoping to run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and then either Friday or Saturday if possible. 

Activities for this coming week:
-Couch to 5k Week 2 and beginning Week 3 (oh MAN it's soooo much harder to run while pushing a double jogging stroller- I'm gonna be in wicked good shape if I can keep up with pushing them while I run)

-Walk with the babies if not jogging

On-going Life Style Goals:
- Drink 16oz of water everytime I pump

- Eat some form of protein four times per day, working up to eating protein with every snack and meal

- Walk 1 mile 3x per week, working up to jogging 2-3x per week using the Couch-to-5k program

-Limit to one treat per day

3. Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I've tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out for people to try, a photo update of my weight loss, or anything else I feel like sharing.

Ok, for my own benefit, here are some super quick protein enriched snacks that I need to start eating rather than the chips and candy I've been devouring (some of these I may have to avoid because I'm trying to cut back on dairy to help the littles...we'll see):

- Apple with peanut butter
- Grapes and string cheese (so delicious together!)
- Deli turkey wrapped cheddar
- Greek yogurt
- Greek yogurt and granola
- Oatmeal with raisins and almonds (and of course a bit of brown sugar, c'mon)
- Dried fruit and nuts (the Fruit Nut Medley from Costco is AMAZING)
- Pita chips and hummus
- Peanut butter and jelly toast on whole wheat bread


  1. Tim and I started watching what we ate after Christmas too. After my inability to gain weight for the first 21 weeks of pregnancy I ended up gaining 42lbs by the time I gave birth!!! I don't know how as I didn't eat much even at the end, but what I could at wasn't the healthiest of things (plus Oscar was over 9lbs so I'm blaming him!) I lost the first 30lbs really quickly (as in straight away) but those last 12lbs refuse to budge, probably because I have been gorging on all my favourite foods that I couldn't tolerate for 9 months. Don't you think that is just another side effect of HG? You're practically starved for so long that when you can eat you just go mad?!

    We did really well to begin with and I lost a good couple of lbs the first week and then my first period arrived and the nausea, cramps and everything else took me straight back into the land of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate, guess I need to get back on track too!!

  2. Don't beat yourself up over it! You can do it and thanks for the motivation today I needed it! I guess I will be headed to the gym after his afternoon nap today!

  3. lol, this is basically the post I wrote this week as well. that's the beauty of WWW though - it makes you own up to what you've been eating, and hopefully that will encourage you to snap out of it and do better next week. way to go on starting your C25K stuff though!!

  4. My favorite morning foods are salt free rice cakes with almond butter, fruit, and low salted mixed nuts that don't have peanuts in them along with a glass of juice.

    Glad you posted your height. I've been trying to figure it out and I had you at 6' even.

    Just take it easy it will come back off. Better to do it slowly than fast and just rebound.
